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Accommodations Growing Again, Vacation Rentals Leading

While the COVID pandemic has by no means been favorable for travel, a certain type of experience seems to be on the upswing. According to Phocuswright, Airbnb, the accommodation provider, is seeing a surge in demand, having on July 8th attained 1 million nights’ worth of bookings in a single day.  That’s a level that Airbnb hasn’t attained since the first week in March.  Two thirds of the bookings were for non-city destinations.

Although Airbnb did not report on the reasons for the increased demand, an Airbnb accommodation starts to look more desirable than a traditional hotel accommodation in COVID times. Health authorities around the world tell us that indoor public spaces present heightened risk.  The common areas of a hotel – reception area, restaurant, bar – resemble those spaces much more so than does an Airbnb single family home or condo.  The hotel has a fair number of people pass through, the Airbnb not as much.  Also, while Airbnb locations are interspersed in all of the places people live – city and country and everything in between – hotels tend to be located in population centers, precisely the locations more and more of us are seeking to avoid in a pandemic.  

So if you’re feeling cabin fever and want to escape the city or your own home for a little while, you might want to consider joining the ever growing crowd looking to travel, but to travel safely.  And, as always, a car rental from is a way for you to get wherever you want to go, whenever you want to go, safe and sound.


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